
Our management team consists of specialized fund managers focusing solely on one particular investment product/concept which is based on a 20 years "live" track record. This long standing experience, specialization as well as the proven and stringent investment process are the foundation of trust. It ensures superior investment results.

Our investment funds are co-managed by Kreissparkasse Köln and Monega Investment. These banks/man-cos operate as co-portfolio management and provide trading, risk management and reporting functionalities.

What are the advantages of this management structure?

Independence: Advisory firms partner with independent man-cos and custodian banks

Qualification: long-standing track record in managing dedicated investment concepts

Authorization: BaFin regulated section 15 WpIG

Specialisation: one investment concept instead of broad product range

Experience: Dedicated fund manager and ratio based filter process rather than large fund manager teams

Trust: Fund manager is owner of the firm and co-investor


Marc Siebel, Dipl.-Kfm., CEFA, Managing Partner of Peacock Capital

Marc Siebel founded Peacock Capital GmbH in October 2012 after more than 12 years' professional experience in institutional asset management. 

He graduated from the University of Siegen in 2000 with a degree in economics. As part of his studies, he completed the University of Tulsa's Finance Graduate Program in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

He began his career in 2000 at WestLB AG in sell-side equity research and emerging markets asset management in London. As part of the team for European equities and multi-asset concepts at the managing company in Düsseldorf, Siebel went on to manage strategic customer assets totalling more than EUR 1 billion. He ultimately moved his focus to small & mid cap stocks, assuming responsibility for management of all small & mid cap mandates including the WestLB Mellon mutual fund.

He joined Lampe Asset Management at the beginning of 2009 as senior fund manager and Product Head of European Small & Mid Caps developing an investment concept focussed on family-run businesses.

Marc Siebel holds the degree Certified European Financial Analyst (CEFA) and has been ranked as one of the Top European Fund Managers by the Thomson Reuters Extel Survey repeatedly.

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